
Miami Beach

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Auf Wiedersehen Bogota

My new German friend was a big help in my first week in Bogota.He spoke Spanish fairly well and he had been travelling around Colombia for 9 weeks.When I turned up in Bogota I was worried about getting out the taxi.The German got a bus to the hostel on his own at night.He was walking around with his backpack on his own at night.I was amazed when he told me this and he assured me after a few months I would do the same. I doubt it I thought He wasn't the sort of person I would hang around with at home but I was starting to discover that nothing is like home here.There was nothing wrong with him but I just wouldn't meet many Germans back in blighty.The German spoke perfect English, and perfect Chinese after he had lived in China for 2 years.His Spanish was good after only 9 weeks in the country.I had a discussion with him about learning languages and I explained we were not very good at learning languages in Britain."What are you doing all the time you are at school " he asked me.Good point I thought.Smoking fags and bunking off I told him.The only language I was ever taught was French, and at the time I thought it was pointless.In fact I thought most of school after the age of 13 was pointless for me but that's another story.I had never been to France, still haven't, I didn't know anyone French,still don't, and I didn't even know of any famous french people.Spanish is the 2nd most spoke language on earth,English is the 3rd.So why the hell where they teaching me French at school.Like most Brits in the 80s we would go to Spain every year for a week on some mystery package holiday.Families kitted out in new shell suits with shiny new white trainers and fresh hair cuts,all for one week in sunny Spain.If they taught me Spanish I could have used some of it when on holiday, it might even have motivated me for my next holiday.The German wasn't wasting his education learning some shite language that no one speaks ,he was learning English.Me and the German had to move hostel after a few days because a big group had pre booked at ours and we had only reserved for a few days.There was many hostels in the area so we moved to Hostel Sue which was 5 minutes walk away.It was a nice hostel and we started to make some friends.All Dutch and Germans.I still hadn't met one Brit since being away but it wasn't a problem as everyone spoke perfect English.I decided to join in all the touristy stuff people were doing to get a feel for the city.Ten of us went on a guided bike tour of the city.In Bogota they close the city to traffic on Sundays.So this was the perfect day for a bike ride.We got a bit wet but the Colombian tour guide was a funny guy and we all had a laugh.I visited a few museums and churches that were OK but nothing amazing.I was more interested in where we were eating to be honest.One day we went to the  Church of Monserrate by cable car.Its a church that looks over Bogota from the mountain and its well worth the 15,000 pesos just to see the view.I was now making a few contacts and people were telling me where to go to look for work teaching English.I spoke to a company who said they were hiring and I should email them my CV and TEFL certificate.Work was easy to find in Bogota and the pay was good by all accounts.Things were looking up.I told the German about the work situation and he said I should try the city of Medellin before I commit as I might prefer it to Bogota.The weather was nicer for starters he said.Bogota was cold at night ,really cold.During the day it was four seasons in one.I can go to Scotland for this weather if I want.Bogota is a big and sometimes grey city.I hadn't fell in love with it straight away but it was starting to feel more normal.I spoke to a few other people and they told me they had preferred Medellin to Bogota.One German guy I spoke to said he preferred Bogota but he was outnumbered 5 to 1 so I decided once the German left I would head to Medellin for a week and then decide which I prefer.The German left on Thursday afternoon.I wished him well as he got on the bus to the airport and thanked him for his help.It felt a bit strange when he left.I was back on my own again.This time was different though.I felt more confident.I was going to Medellin in the morning.The coaches left every hour from 5 am and took 9 hours to get there.I could fly if I want to but I can see a bit of the country by coach and Ive got lots of time.I decided to get the 7 am coach to Medellin,that way I wont be arriving in Medellin when its dark.I may be more confident but I still prefer arriving in a new city when its light,especially a city which was once ruled by the most notorious drug baron ever,Pablo Escobar.I ask the reception at the hostel to wake me at 5.30 am.I awake the next day to discover its gone 7.30am.The numpty at reception has forgot to wake me.He apologises and he looks genuinley upset.I tell him not to worry I will catch the 9am coach.The bus to the terminal takes 30 minutes and I get there at 8.50am.I pay 60,000 pesos(£19) for my ticket and grab two ham rolls and a drink before I board the coach.The drivers are waiting for me.They load my backpack and give me a ticket for it.I keep my valuables with me in my rucksack.I board the bus and its pretty empty.Two seats to myself.I look out the window as we head out of Bogota.I wonder when I will be back.Am I wasting my time.I never had a plan but going to Medellin wasnt what I thought about.Ive got to start again,new hostel new city.Theres work in Bogota maybe I should have stayed.Lets have a look anyway I guess.
In the words of John A Shedd  "A ship in the harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are for "

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