
Miami Beach

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

The Candy Man

Everything was against me when I arrived in Bogota.I had never been to Bogota.I didn't know one person and I spoke a few words of Spanish.It had been fifteen years since I last stayed in a hostel and I cant remember what its like.I felt weird the first day I woke up.I felt like the new kid at the hostel,which I was.Everyone seemed to know what they were doing,everyone seemed to have a plan.I had no plan.I felt awkward.I didn't feel myself.The hostel laid on a breakfast of coffee and croissant.I don't like coffee and I am not too keen on croissants.This only adds to my strange feeling.I speak to a few people but I dont connect with anyone.I decide to explore the city.I stuff my guide book under my jumper and step out into the street.Its warm and bright but not warm enough for a t-shirt alone.Bogota is 2600m above sea level so your a lot closer to the sun than normal.It feels surreal,here I am alone ,walking down the street in Bogota.I need to eat and my guidebook tells me to head over to Zona G where theres lots of nice places to eat.I decide to take the Transmilenio. Its like a metro system but for buses.I buy a ticket and get on.I know where I am supposed to go but getting there proves harder than I imagine.One hour later and I am further away than when I started.I look at my guide book and decide to try somewhere else.I console myself with the fact I am seeing lots of the city.I am hungry now and I haven't eaten anything since the plane.The city looks dirty as the light drizzle comes down.Lots of cold tall buildings with graffiti are all there is to look at.I give up on the guide book and get off where its busy.I spot a Mexican restaurant and head straight for it.Eating Mexican food in Colombia is not what I imagined either but it looks good.The food is good.I pay around 20,000 pesos (£6) for 3 chicken fajitas and a drink.I ask the waiter where the Zona T is.This is the smart end of town according to the guide book.He points me in the right direction and tells me its a 15 minute walk.I begin the walk.I catch a few people looking at me as I head down the street.Theres no gringos around but I feel safe as theres office workers going about there business.I notice more police and most of them have dogs.They are stopping cars entering buildings and letting the dogs sniff all over the car.Its a reminder that car bombs still go off in Bogota and there is still a war going on with the FARC guerrillas.The more I walk the more affluent the city becomes.Suddenly it changes,theres more bars and cafes.The people are dressed smarter.This is nice I think.I check out the prices of the restaurants and its the same as back home.This is Zona T without a doubt.I walk around for a while just looking at the people and looking at the shops.This is more my scene.If I am gonna stay in Bogota then this is the place to stay.Zona T is the north side and I am living in the south.The north south divide is like the east end west end divide in London.I wonder if I am a snob wanting to live in this side of town.I decide I just like the finer things in life...especially food.I head back to the hostel on the Transmilenio,it takes 45 minutes and costs 1,700 pesos..peanuts.I feel tired,mentally and physically as I sit on the Transmilenio.Its a big city theres a lot to take in.I need to keep positive I tell myself.Things are harder on your own but things change in time and Ive got lots of time.It still feels surreal.I get back to the hostel and take a shower and spend some time on the laptop.Its getting dark now and I feel hungry. I ask the young guy on reception where I can eat.He tells me a good pizza place a few minutes away.I step outside.Its dark and its cold,really cold that you need a jacket.This part of town is old.Theres lots of university's which means lots of students hanging about.Its only 8 pm so its busy and theres small bars playing loud music.It still looks a bit dodgy but the guy assures me its fine at this time.No time to look sheepish.I put my shoulders back and put  on a slight swagger.A few dodgy characters call out " hey man ".I keep walking.I spot the pizza place.I head back with my pizza and it all seems cool.I decide there and then its not the sort of place to be walking around after 10pm on your own.I get to my dorm with my pizza and theres a new dutch guy arrived.He reminds me of a young John Candy.We introduce ourselves.He asks me where I got the pizza.Is it any good he asks, is it safe he asks.I sound like I have been here for ages as I give him directions and assure him its safe.I am not the new boy now.I feel better.We are all in the same boat.John returns with his pizza.We chat some more.He  tells me how he felt uneasy when the taxi dropped him off at the square.I start laughing.I know what you mean John....I know exactly what you mean.
In the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt...."The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"

1 comment:

  1. I would pay good money to see a swaggering ostrich!
    Muvva xxx
